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Karen (not verified)

9 months 2 weeks ago

During the pandemic there was a tremendous force in my life. I had lost my husband to cancer in 2019. I remember in Spring, going into my backyard and feeling like everything or something big was off. This was before I heard of the pandemic.
I have several irises in various lo ations in my large yard. They had always bloomed every year. Not a single one bloomed that Spring. Also the milk weed was taking over with them growing over 2 feet tall. I had several things break in the house and i tried to plan a possible move to another state. Communication with people was very confusing. I almost lost $2000 on a moving van. They shouldn't have charged me ahead of the move. My realtor and I were in a whirlwind of non-productive emails and calls. I was so confused I decided not to move for the time being. I became aware of Mercury retrograde and it seemed these things were happening to me due to it. I was in mourning, but there were so many things going on I really couldn't sort it out. It may sound ridiculous, but this is unexplainable to me. I have never had anything like this ever happen to me. I am now 70, and not senile. lol

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