Learn how to plant, grow, and harvest parsley in your very own garden.
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Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Parsley
Can I restart in water to root.
What do you do when parsley flowers?
Pinch off the flowers when they appear in order to prolong the growth of the leafy bits!
My Italian parsley leaves have mutated! Instead of looking like regular parsley leaves the leaves look long and thin. They taste ok. What's wrong?
Definitely cut tops off…if long and leggy this should stimulate growth or side shoots. This happens with cilantro too. Just cut tops off and it will also delay bolting.
Heat and dry soil can cause parsley to become long and thin, but so can leaving it alone (not harvesting it). Trim/harvest it and water generously. Then continue to trim it from time to time. This will cause it to sprout more leaves and maintain vigor.
Generally how many days does it take for the parsley to be ready to harvest?
Parsley is ready to cut or harvest in about 70 to 90 days after planting. You seed packet should list days to maturity for the respective variety.
I’m a person who never understood the appeal of parsley. Fresh parsley has essentially NO flavor to me whatsoever! It’s odd, but I find dried parsley both fragrant and tasty....
I love tabouli and need a lot for getting a nice amount to make it. A friend brought me a nice supply of home grown one but it doesn't look or taste like the parsley from the fruit market. how can I send a picture to take a look?