Hearty, Healthy, Delicious Soups for Every Season
Do you sell a book with your soup/stew recipes. I tend to forget to print from email or online articles. Thank you.
Hello, Domna. Thank you for your interest, but we are sorry to report that we do not have a soups, stews, and chowder cookbook. We have put out cookbooks in the past that certainly contain some of these dishes, but not an entire collection. It’s a good idea!
Hi. I've observed your recipe emails frequently and you have amazing stuff. You have changed your web page format for recipes and links. In this page I was unable to view the recipe link and refers me to a search page that has a lot to be desired. This site dated 10/14/21 was previously published 01/11/21. Four recipes (10/14) for Maha’s Lentil Soup, Chicken Crockpot Stew, Seafood Chowder and Cod Chowder links cannot be found herein. Yet the site 01/11 for the same recipes had links. But when I copied and pasted those same recipe(s) link it takes me back to the modern Search Page, nothing there. Apparently the recipes did exist at one time. On occasion, I Goggle search for a recipe I might have success finding the recipe as was the case with the Lentil Soup, but mostly not so. There are many recipes of the same nature by various sources. Yankee Magazine has similar recipes, so I'm not bewildered.
Hi Tom, Thanks for your comment! When we updated our site, we had to remove some of the older recipes. Unfortunately, many of the recipes we removed have appeared in other articles (like this one), which means that the links lead to nowhere! We are working on removing these broken links and apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.
I'm looking for a recipe for Beef Stew without all the tomatoes etc in it, My Mother and Gramma made it I only know it had Beef, potatoes, carrots, and onions in it, but I don't know what she used for seasonings other than salt and pepper. :-)
Hi, Elva. Perhaps you would enjoy our recipe for Irish Beef Stew.